Monday 22 February 2016

Where are the watchmen?

Looking around at our society, the context our time I lose sleep. Sleep flees when you see what is
going on around this nation and compare it with our attitude as a society.

This attitude I believe is defined by what we focus on, our list of national priorities you'd say.

We're embroiled in a multi dimensional conflict for the identity of this nation, if you look back at the crisis points we've been through over the last five to seven years - a worrying trend emerges.

A lot of Kenyan's have been lost in a range of terror related incidents and our adversity is hate filled and motivated to wipe us out. They classify us homogeneously and rejoice at each life they snuff out.

This is serious, looking at the media that our foes publish on the internet you get hit with a sense of discouragement and a temptation to give in to the same doctrine of hate, to retreat behind stereotypes and close the ranks, make it an us versus them affair. It doesn't work that way..... thankfully

The conflicts of our time as I've alluded to in my post What is the end game? the wave of hate across the world isn't aimless and isolated pockets of violence. It's targeted conflict and while the actors may seem separate over time they will continue to coalesce into a single entity with a specific goal.

This isn't a surprise, it's been happening over the last four years especially with the rise of ISIS, the names change the objectives remain the same - let's not lose sight of that.

With all these conflicts, within our borders, on the other side of our borders, clear across the continent and on the other side of the world, take a look at our society at our nation - do we know what times we live in?

Who's pricking our collective conscience, who's opening our eyes to the threats that we face, who's making sure that those who stand in harms way have the best of our resources to keep us safe.

Who's driving the discourse of what it means to be Kenyan, who's leading the way in bringing out the best in us as a people which is the only way to truly win this conflict of our time?

Who's standing in our town halls and social halls (which we don't have) leading the discourse on the bigger picture for our country?

Those are our watchmen, where are they?  ...........

We obsess about money for our county, jobs for our people and our man winning the seat, followed by his man and then the other man.

Our leaders are exposed time and again for stealing money that should be used for making a difference and they go to court and nothing happens and still the money keeps getting stolen.

Each time this happens we get more jaded as nation, we turn to money, the next issue to hold our attention, we retreat behind our tribal, social, economic and financial identities.....

Yet all around us the conflicts continue, drawing closer each day......

Each time there has been a tragedy the things that we lose ourselves in have not saved us.... our tribal, social, economic and financial identities did they make a difference in the lives of those we lost?

Yet we still continue to put our trust and hope in them....

Where are the watchmen? 

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